Wow, I’ve been extremely absent over here on the blog recently! For good reason, I suppose. But I figured I could update my readers with what’s been going on here at Explore The Moment!
What’s been up?
Two words: A LOT. Explore The Moment is growing and changing in ways I hadn’t imagined! If you haven’t had the opportunity head over to my Collections page to see some recent sessions. I’ll be updating about the specifics of a few of them in the next few days but for now take a peek 😎

Beautiful fall foliage
What’s up next?
So much more is coming! Although I am slightly disappointed in the fact I wasn’t fully prepared for holiday sessions, I do want any current and future clients to know that I’m still scheduling for simple and un-styled sessions. So if you’re looking for a natural setting (think beautiful woods, or tree farm) I can make something beautiful happen for you and your family… just without the props and indoor ambiances. I’m always up for an adventure and truly do feel like bundling up in the beautiful outdoors is where the real magic happens.
I’m also going to be releasing a bi-monthly newsletter that will have some fun tidbits, photography tips, any current specials and giveaways going on etc. So feel free to subscribe to the newsletter, or share with any friends or family that might be interested in scheduling!
Where can you find lots of action? Facebook and Instagram both are my favorite way to share daily, come find me and lets be friends 😊
Be on the look out for a really fun giveaway (details will be in the second newsletter released in a week or two so hit that subscribe button to your right 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽

I really love fall…. can you tell?
Until next time, have a wonderful Monday ✌🏼